Saturday, September 25, 2010

Communist Ass Bullshit

I've been trying to upload a video onto my other blog for the past two days. I also tried to go to youtube and upload it. Now of course you can't upload on youtube if you go to Korea youtube, so I selected worldwide, and Australia. Still I'm getting blocked.

Korea won't let users comment on youtube, or upload videos unless you prove what your real name is. They have to verify your real name by leaving your national I.D. number. To leave comments it's possible to sign on with "Worldwide," which I have been doing to upload, but the video gets about 30% uploaded, and then the thing just says that an unexpected error occurred.

Seriously. What the fuck?

Last week Mike Breen had a piece in the Korea times about a guy who went to North Korea for a vacation. The South Korean government told him not to. When he came back the South Korean storm troopers swooped in and took him off to jail.

Breen's point in writing the article was that by having the SK storm troopers run in and cart the guy off to jail at the boarder, the S.K. government gave a propaganda gift to the North Koreans. All anyone had to do was take a video camera to film the event. North Korean T.V. could play the video at night and say, "Hey look, they aren't that much better than us."

This real name verification is another example of that. You can't upload videos on to the internet unless you prove who you are. What? When did the south turn into the north? What was that whole war for 60 years ago? If South Korea tries to press to the U.N. about human rights, all the North has to do point to this bullshit and say, hey there's no free speech there either.

If you are from a different country, and want to make a tourism video about Korea using the latest and newest technology, how can you do that?

And what is the whole reasoning behind this? Last year a few famous people committed suicide because people left some mean comments on the internet. Hey you famous fucks, grow some thicker skin will you. You are famous, and there are loosers talking shit about you. They are called haters. If you have haters, it means you are successful, so bask in their hate and brush it off of your shoulders. Go on television and say, "so the fuck what." Challenge the mother fuckers to meet you face to face at a given destination, and when they don't show, tell the world what shallow cowards they are.

But in the mean time, this is no reason for you all to try to block what I'm doing. I just wanted to post a video of me climbing mountains, to show the world the beautiful things that you can see in Korea. Instead, I heard that Gyungbukgyung has a roach problem. I think that Myung Bak should give everybody in Seoul a sledgehammer to kill the roaches in the country's number one national treasure.


I used a different computer and was able to upload my stuff!!!! Still that real name verification kind of sucks.

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