Saturday, July 18, 2009

Missin Michigan

I love the time we live in now. I love how easily information can travel through the air and overseas. If I had to watch only Korean television shows I probably would have a much move vibrant social life, or perhaps would have taken up some new hobby. I would probably be fluent in Korean, and weigh ten pounds less. Fortunately or Unfortunately I can usually see whatever television program that I want to see.

Two weeks ago I was reading "The Daily Beast," and read a story about the real life of male prostitutes. The story was based on the HBO television show, "Hung."

Later that week I was able to watch the pilot episode of "Hung," and was drawn to the show because it took place in Detroit. There haven't been many shows that take place in Detroit. Haven't been many movies either, so when I a Michigander see things in Michigan, I always tend to shit myself.

It also helps that the show isn't too bad either. The show is about a high school basketball coach who becomes a male prostitute and blah blah blah, who cares, you can see the ruins of Detroit on full display, inland lake McMansions, and all the other highs and lows of everything that is both right and wrong with America.

On the one hand the main character "Ray," is a likable guy who seems to have strong family values, but on the other he is a male prostitute who is chasing after the dream of wealth. That is much like a lot of Michigan and America these days. In a lot of places in Michigan you can find places of utter desperation. Homeless people beg for hand outs by saying that they are out of gas, because people might be more likely to help someone out who can afford a car rather than some junky.

On the other hand you can find fabulously wealthy people who are the meanest dirtiest cunts that the planet has to offer. You can find people whose business have been failing for years, but refuse to change. You see that in hung. You see Detroit's abandoned sky scrapers, acre wide abandoned factories, with no one to accept responsibility for them.

But Michigan is also a land of plenty. Plenty of corn, cherries, and most of all water. Scenes of "Ray," living in a cottage next to an inland lake makes me miss the days when a good swim or fish was only a mile away. Seeing that show makes me want to start a fire, crack a beer, and become food for the mosquitoes as the sun sets.

Don't get me wrong, Korea has lovely coasts, but not the kind that can take a dock, or the kind that allows one to be alone, since in the most remote of places here you can always see at least 5 other people.

At any rate, "Hung," is a pretty good show, it is even better if you were born in Michigan.

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