Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Had a Baby Today

Yup, we had a baby. He's pretty cool.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Time to Make Fun of Kpop Some More

I need to congradulate Dal Shabet on their song pink rocket. I plugged the song title into google and was surpised to see how many of the hits actually have to do with the song "Pink Rocket." Unfortunately one hit from the urban dicitonary reveals that a pink rocket is one of the dildoes used by Tyler's mom. I have know idea who Tyler is, but has a product called the "Mini Mite Pink Rocket."

Anyway, enjoy this Dal Shabet video where the girls are all dressed up like Pink Rockets.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I don't post on this site that much anymore. I'm guessing the reason for this is because I don't really care about blogging anymore.

I don't write very well, and these days, I don't read other people's blogs that much anymore. The reason why I don't read blogs is because I changed jobs. I'm no longer held captive in a middle school where four to five out of eight hours a day I have to sit in a chair and do fuck all. Instead I have been working the mother of all split shifts working at a university and teaching adults.

I'm up to making three lesson plans a day versus two lesson plans a week, I'm making a lot less money per month, and I have a baby due any minute, but for some reason I am a lot more happy and a lot less stressed than I was while working at the public school. I'm working the mother of all split shifts where I generally have to wake up a six an start teaching by eight, sometimes I teach five hours in the morning and two at night, sometimes I just teach one hour in the morning and two at night, but I get to go home in between that time. I can do what ever I want between classes.

Around this time last year I had to teach night classes a the school. I'd get to school at nine in the morning and leave at nine at night. Most days I would only teach a total of six classes, but the school would make the day longer by planning a dinner break at six o'clock every night, and then resume classes until 8:30 or 9:30. I had one extra class where I taught two or four students for two hours on Thursdays. I tried to ask the people in charge to change the class from two hours one day a week to one hour two days a week, but for some reason that didn't make sense to them.

These days I rarely bitch about work. The job is by no means easier, but it is a lot more fun. College students tend to be a little better at shutting the hell up when someone else is talking. I'm not saying that I had a bad time at my middle school, it's just that stuff seems a lot less annoying these days. I don't even really get that upset at people who loiter in front of doorways or escalators anymore.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Interesting Craigslist Results

Took a look at Craigslist today. Good news first year EPIK teachers. You might have a university degree, but your job doesn't pay as much as picking watermelons and cabbages on a farm in Mokpo.

Cabbage Farm
Jeonla-Do, Mokpo – about 4 Hours from Seoul
Day Time Only: about 10 Hours per day
Salary: 2.0 Mil Won
Number of people: 100 Man & Woman
Day Off: about 4~5 times per month
Food & Accommodation: Free
Working Hour: About 10 Hours
Full time only
Also looking for 2 Woman: cook & clean to accommodation

Chicken Farm
Gyunggi-Do, Dongdoocheon – about 1 Hour from Seoul
Night Time Only: about 10 Hours per day
Salary: 2.0 Mil Won
Number of people: 10 Man
Day Off: about 4~5 times per month
Food: Charge
Accommodation: about 60,000 Won
Working Hour: About 10 Hours
Full time only

Watermelon Farm
3.0 Mil Won 1~2 month only per year (July, August) – 100 Man

Simply Picking & Loading Job…
Jobs are available everyday…

If you find the people for me….
I’ll pay you 50,000 Won per person…

If you are interesting…
Feel free to give me a call…

Agent: Mr. Cho

That's not to say that working for Mr. Cho is going to be any better. The job looks pretty terrible, and they charge you for food and lodging, but still 3.0 million for picking watermelons. You can work at a camp for 4 million working 13 hours a day. Guess those liberal arts degrees are really worth something.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Colbert Does "Friday," on Jimmy Fallon

Okay so this blog has changed from being about Korea to being more about Rebecca Black's Friday song. Guess what? I don't give a shit. There are a lot of folks who leave Korea and then still blog about it. Some people go to other countries like China and try to work through their issues with places that they have been where people didn't give them free blow jobs for showing up. Well guess what everybody? I still live in Korea, and I'm kind of over the place. Today I'm not going to write glowingly about some stupid temple or some stupid Joseon King's toomb I went to. I'm also not going to bitch about somebody who cut me in line a Starbucks.

The fact is, I find Rebecca Black much more interesting. her song "Friday," is terrible, but it get's stuck in your head. Also, this Jimmy Falon clip ties a bunch of things together for me. This is Steven Colbert singing "Friday," with "The Legendary Roots Crew." A few years back I caught The Roots first at the Chicago Tibetian Freedom concert, then at Moby's "Area 1 Festival," in Detroit. At area 1, questove the drummer threw is drumstick out to the audience, and I caught it. Besides that, I think that The Roots are probably the best band ever. Check them out with John Legend on Austin City Limits:

Watch the full episode. See more Austin City Limits.

Next up, I think that the Jimmy Fallon show is pretty interesting musically, since my friend from high school, DJ Autobot was on the show as a back up D.J. for female rapper and Kanye West protege Kid Sister. I couldn't find a clip with him on the show, but here is the video for Flosstradamus's "Big Bills." (Autobot is one D.J. half of "Flosstradamus."